5 mistakes when selling a business in Australia

5 Mistakes Business Owners Make When Selling Their Business

There are five common, and sometimes very costly, mistakes that we see Australian business owners make when selling their small or medium enterprises (SME) / business.

Mistakes to Avoid When Selling a Small or Medium Size Business

1. Not making your SME business “Sale Ready”?

Abraham Lincoln said “I will prepare and someday my chance will come.”

2. Not understanding who might want to buy your SME business

you understand your customers, so why not understand who might want to buy your business?

3. Not understanding how much their SME business is worth

when selling anything it’s handy to know what it is worth, but do you know what your business is worth?

4.Not running a professional sale process for your SME business

you manage your business well, make sure you sell it in a professional manner.

5. Leaving it too late to sell

how many of us wish we had sold all our mining shares back in 2013?

Interested in learning how you can avoid these mistakes? Over the next five weeks we delve into each of these five common mistakes. Next week is “Not making your SME business “Sale Ready”?”. Follow us on LinkedIn or G+ for reminders.

If you are an Australian business owner of a SME and are interested in a discussion on selling your business, please contact us. We at Hamilton Rich understand these conversations can be difficult to have during business hours so feel free to call us anytime that is convenient for you.

To help you achieve the goal to maximise the sale price for your business, we will be publishing a number of articles including:

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